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*** Disclaimer: This is not supported by Rackspace. If it blows up, we can’t help you fix it. I’ve tested it a fair bit and it seems to be working fine, however if it does not work for you, you’re pretty much on your own. I would advise thorough testing before deploying this solution to […]

The ability to have temporary URLs is something that has been requested for quite some time. Since Cloud Files runs on openstack swift, we get some of the new features available, such as temporary URLs. This will allow you to create temporary URLs so your end users can consume your product, while having it expire […]

You might have noticed by now that I really like Nginx. I’ve had an article for using it as a load balancer with SSL termination already, and eventually I’ll get around to setting it up as a web server as well. For this article, I’ll set a situation. You have some PHP application on apache, […]

The majority of motherboard manufactures still only allow you to update your BIOS either from within Windows, from a USB stick within the BIOS itself, or from a floppy with DOS. The first option doesn’t work with a linux box for obvious reasons. While the second option is nice for updating one box, it quickly […]

I wrote an article a while back about load balancing with HA Proxy. If you’re wanting to do SSL, it lets you do it, but SSL will terminate on each individual webhead. This works quite well for performance, and it is designed with performance in mind. Unfortunately there are some cases where you want the […]

I’m a pretty big fan of two factor authentication, it lets you secure a server significantly without inconveniencing your users too much. I’ve used ppp-pam before, and use RSA SecurID for a few things as well, they’re great implementations. Today it came to my attention that Google had made an authenticator for Google apps account, […]

I see complaints across twitter and the feedback page, as well as various blog posts about how the Rackspace Cloud doesn’t support this OS, or that OS. With the introduction of PV-Grub, you should be able to run nearly any OS you want – with a bit of work. Keep in mind, this process is […]

According to the website, backups for Cloud Servers are only available for instances with a memory size of 2GB or less.  However, this restriction only applies to (some of) the control panel, and not the API itself.  It is still quite possible to take snapshots of your larger servers, though there are a few caveats […]

Whenever you upgrade the memory on a Windows Cloud Server, you’ll notice that, although the memory has increased, the disk space has not.  This happens because the hypervisor uses a sparce disk file for the virtual hard drive on Windows instances.  Since the hypervisor is unable to access the partition structure inside this file directly, […]

For the longest time, cloud servers has been limited to the hypervisor’s seeded kernels. They were patched for exploits, and generally worked well – but some people require specific things in their kernel. While you could compile modules before, you were never allowed to touch the kernel itself. However recently, PV-Grub became available as an […]