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# g0tmi1k 2011-03-25                                                   #
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use POSIX strftime;

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$imageURL = "";

$pid = $$;

if ($debug == 1) { open (DEBUG, '>>/tmp/replaceImages_debug.log'); }
autoflush DEBUG 1;

print DEBUG "########################################################################\n";
print DEBUG strftime ("%d%b%Y-%H:%M:%S\n",localtime(time()));
print DEBUG "########################################################################\n";
while (<>) {
   chomp $_;
   if ($debug == 1) { print DEBUG "Input: $_\n"; }
   if ($_ =~ m/.*$imageURL/) {
      print "$imageURL\n";
   elsif ($_ =~ /(.*\.(gif|png|bmp|tiff|ico|jpg|jpeg|swf))/i) {   # Image format(s)
      print "$imageURL\n";
      if ($debug == 1) { print DEBUG "Image Replaced: $_ \n"; }
   else {
      print "$_\n";
      if ($debug == 1) { print DEBUG "Output: $_\n"; }

close (DEBUG);

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   <Directory /var/www/content>
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    <Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
        AllowOverride None
        Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

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    Alias /doc/ "/usr/share/doc/"
    <Directory "/usr/share/doc/">
        Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
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