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Whenever you upgrade the memory on a Windows Cloud Server, you’ll notice that, although the memory has increased, the disk space has not.  This happens because the hypervisor uses a sparce disk file for the virtual hard drive on Windows instances.  Since the hypervisor is unable to access the partition structure inside this file directly, […]

For the longest time, cloud servers has been limited to the hypervisor’s seeded kernels. They were patched for exploits, and generally worked well – but some people require specific things in their kernel. While you could compile modules before, you were never allowed to touch the kernel itself. However recently, PV-Grub became available as an […]

There is currently no way to build a server on one account from an image on another account, at least not directly. This article will show you how to do it manually using a Cloud Files image. buy viagra professional This only covers Linux servers, Windows users get no love! (Actually, once I’ve had a […]

Server security is one of those topics that there’s a lot of different opinions flying around. How secure do you want to be? It really comes down to how much you want to inconvenience your users (and yourself). While there are many different ways to secure a server, this article focuses on an implementation of […]

Why use Load Balancing? cialis american online pharmacy This is an article about setting up a load balancer, so if you’re here it’s probably because you want to set one up. So I’ll keep this section relatively brief. A load balancer is a piece of hardware that accepts incoming traffic and then passes it through […]

So, while idling on IRC today, I had a conversation. Well technically, I talked about another conversation. It was about zombie botnets. You might be asking yourself  “what the hell is a zombie botnet” Don’t worry friend, for I shall enlighten you.