The cialis uses for women allows you to save your images to Cloud Files, however currently your automated backups are still stored with server.
Additionally you can only have a backup every day. What if you wanted one say, every 6 hours? You can achieve this with the API, curl and a bash script.
Below is the script, all you need to do is plug in your API key and your username. After that we just need to create a cron job to run it and we’re all good to go.
This Script Requires the Following:
- Awk
- cURL
These should all be installed by default, try running the script manually and making sure it doesn’t return any errors before setting up your cron job.
# Pass in the server name to backup (the name in the control panel), and
# optionally a base name for the backup image
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
echo "usage: $0 server_name [base_name]"
exit 1
if [[ -n $2 ]]; then
# Specify Username and API Key Here
# Helper functions
function die() { echo "[`timestamp`] $*"; exit 1; }
function timestamp() { echo "`date +%FT%H:%M:%S`"; }
function strip() { echo $1 | tr -d "\r"; }
# Authenticate and make sure it logs in.
# Additionally get the Auth Token and Server URL
while read -r key value rest ; do
if [[ $key = "X-Server-Management-Url:" ]]; then
url=`strip $value`
elif [[ $key = "X-Auth-Token:" ]]; then
token=`strip $value`
elif [[ $key = "HTTP/1.1" ]]; then
status=`strip $value`
done <<< "`curl -s -i -H "X-Auth-User: $username" -H "X-Auth-Key: $apikey" \`"
# We should get a 204, but that could change, so we accept any 200 status
if [[ ! $status =~ 20. ]]; then
die "Failed to Auth, check the username and apikey variables. " \
"Currently they are set to $username and $apikey"
shopt -s nocasematch
serverlist=`curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" $url/servers`
# nb: set our field seperator to "\n" for the "for" loop below
IFS=`echo -en "\n"`
# Find our server id...this is magical...don't edit it
for server in `echo $serverlist | \
awk -F':\\\\[' '{gsub("},{", "\n", $2); \
gsub(/\{|\}|\[|\]|\"/, "", $2); \
print $2}'`
id=`echo $server | awk -F: '{if ($3 == "'$servername'") { \
split($2, a, ","); print a[]}}'`
if [[ -n $id ]]; then break; fi
if [[ -z $id ]]; then
die "Server not found, check the server name. " \
"Currently it is set to $servername"
# Create the server image
tmp=`curl -s -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{ "image" : {"serverId": '$id', \
"name": "'$imagename'-'$time'"}}' $url/images`
if [[ ! $tmp =~ "QUEUED" ]]; then
die $tmp
shopt -u nocasematch
echo "[`timestamp`] Image Created: $imagename-$time"
Now that we have our script, you'll want to copy and paste the contents into a file and save it, I'm going to call mine Once we have it saved, you can test it with (where server_name is the name of the server to take the image of, as it is displayed in the Control Panel)
./ server_name
After that, we need to create our log file. My non-root user:group will be dewey:dewey, alter this to your system needs.
# touch /var/log/csbackup.log # chown dewey:dewey /var/log/csbackup.log
Now as our user we're going to manually test and make sure it logs
$ ./ server_name >> /var/log/csbackup.log $ cat /var/log/csbackup.log
The last thing we need to do is create our cron job. First access the crontab with
$ crontab -e
And we make it run every day at say, 11PM
0 23 * * * bash /home/dewey/ server_name >> /var/log/csbackup.log
You can of course specify it to run as much as you want, however keep in mind that if a backup is already running for the server, it can't initiate another.
« Enabling NFS support with Ubuntu on Cloud Servers Server Security: Configuring PPP-Pam »
lol, your crontab runs every minute from 11pm till 12pm.
Checked my backup log and I found 58 of these messages:
message”:”422 Unprocessable Entity: Cannot create a new backup request while saving a prior backup or resizing.
Gave me a laugh.
Fixed, should be:
0 23 * * * bash /home/dewey/ server_name >> /var/log/csbackup.log
Gave me a laugh
Updated that, thanks for pointing it out!
is it possible to rotate the backups in this script so they do not pile up in cloud files?
Am I missing where these images are kept in Cloud Files?
The script seems like it’s working but then I never see any images showing up in my Cloud Files.
They should be saved in the Cloudservers container, try reloading the interface if you don’t see them.
nice, I am not very good with scripting, but is it possible to execute this script from windows?
@Johan: It’s written in bash, so not really. It would be relatively simple (in fact significantly easier then using bash on it’s own) to write an app utilizing the python or ruby bindings, then have windows execute it as needed.